2015 Limited Edition V8 SuperCar Watch
February 2017. ALL 2014,2015 & 2016 Models Now SOLD OUT.
Link to the 2017 Model is below.
These watches are so popular our first shipment has sold out in 4 days!
In total, over the course of the year there will be 2015 units released, up from 1000 last year.
Best to act NOW! Purchasing on our website will guarantee ownership of one of these exclusive watches as soon as stocks come to hand.
We have negotiated to receive a large slice of future shipments, so good things shall come to those who order & wait!
VIEW THE 2017 MODEL HERE : http://www.hsjewellers.com.au/collections/pulsar/products/pulsar-pz5013x-v8-supercar-2017-edition-limited-to-2017-units